Have a home improvement-related question? We have the answer. Check out these FAQs and give us a call today for more information!
If you have had hail in your area, call us for a free inspection. Our roofers will be happy to come out and check it for you!
Yes, All-Star Home Improvements Inc is licensed and insured. Did you know that, according to This Old House, shingle roofs last an average of 15 to 30 years? When you want this long-term investment to be done by a company you can rely on, call our roofers today to get started with our services!
Call our roofers for a free estimate! Once you set up an appointment, we will come out to your house and do a free inspection by getting on the roof, noting any concerns, and then providing a consultation.
A roof replacement typically takes one to two days when completed by professional roofers.
No, our roofers do all of the work and do not subcontract.
Emergency Services Available After Hours by Appointment
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